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Chief Scientist Laboratories etc

Chief Scientists form the core of RIKEN’s interdisciplinary research system. They are appointed on a long-term basis to bridge gaps between disciplines and keep abreast of the latest research developments to ensure that RIKEN positions itself as a pioneer in new emerging fields. They help to plan the organization’s future research strategy and ensure that the overall strength of the institute can be mobilized to respond to changing social needs.


List of Organizations

Advanced Device Laboratory
Koji Ishibashi (D.Eng.)
Molecule Creation Laboratory
Kenichiro Itami (Ph.D.)
RNA Systems Biochemistry Laboratory
Shintaro Iwasaki (Ph.D.)
Spin isospin Laboratory
Tomohiro Uesaka (D.Sc.)
Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory
Hideki Ueno (D.Sc.)
Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory
Stefan Ulmer (Dr. rer. nat)
Materials Fabrication Laboratory
Hitoshi Ohmori (D.Eng.)
Bioresource Engineering Laboratory
Atsuo Ogura (D.V.M., Ph.D.)
Quantum Metrology Laboratory
Hidetoshi Katori (D.Eng.)
Solid State Chemistry Laboratory
Genki Kobayashi (Ph.D.)
Cellular Informatics Laboratory
Yasushi Sako (D.Sc.)
Cellular Memory Laboratory
Yoichi Shinkai (Ph.D.)
Thin-Film Device Laboratory
Takao Someya (Ph.D.)
Extreme Laser Science Laboratory
Eiji J. Takahashi (D. Eng.)
Metamaterials Laboratory
Takuo Tanaka (D.Eng.)
Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory
Tahei Tahara (D.Sc.)
High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory
Toru Tamagawa (D.Sc.)
Mathematical Climatology Laboratory
Hirofumi Tomita (D.Eng.)
Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory
Shigehiro Nagataki (Ph.D.)
Chromosome Dynamics Laboratory
Tatsuya Hirano (Ph.D.)
Quantum Optodevice Laboratory
Hideki Hirayama (D.Eng.)
Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory
Akira Furusaki (D.Sc.)
Prediction Science Laboratory
Takemasa Miyoshi (Ph.D.)
Physiological Genetics Laboratory
Sa Kan Yoo (M.D., Ph.D.)
Molecular Physiology Laboratory
Rikiya Watanabe (Ph.D.)

Recent Research Results
